Customers --------- This API allows listing, retrieving, creating, updating, and deleting customers, as well as the contacts and locations of a given customer. They are identified by UUID. .. (comment out reference to external IDs for now) They can also be identified by their external ID, if they have one. Currently this is specified by passing the query parameter ``by=externalID`` to all API methods with ``(customer_ref)`` in their URL. List Customers .............. .. http:get:: /customer/ List all customers. **Sample request**: .. sourcecode:: http GET /customer/?pageSize=3&page=2 HTTP/1.1 Host: Authorization: Token ab9a4326a6d7403b9a6ece2519f848a5 Accept: application/json **Sample response**: .. sourcecode:: http HTTP/1.1 200 OK Content-Type: application/json Link: ; rel=first, ; rel=last, ; rel=prev, ; rel=next { "count": 187, "items": [ { "link": { "url": "", "rel": "detail" }, "uuid": "929022257f1c440089cebcbd510e2d2f", "name": "Murphy's Bar and Grill", "customerId": 3 }, { "link": { "url": "", "rel": "detail" }, "uuid": "8b9b9f255d5d4e2d9e94bde9d6e3ed90", "name": "Dallas Museum of Art", "customerId": 4 }, { "link": { "url": "", "rel": "detail" }, "uuid": "1671818094bd465d92f1268323763513", "name": "Duck Commander", "customerId": 5 ], "page": 2, "sortedBy": [], "pageSize": 3 } :query sortedBy: Available sorting criteria: ``customerId``, ``name`` :query taxable: Boolean denoting filtering by taxable customer :query name: A filtering value for customer name :query glAccount: A filtering value for glAccount :query email: A filtering value for customer email address :>json int number: Total number of customers :>json array items: A list of JSON objects representing customers :>json int page: Page number :>json array sortedBy: A list of ordered by (strings), can be ``name`` and ``customerId`` :>json int pageSize: NUmber of JSON objects (representing customers) by page. Get Customer ............ .. http:get:: /customer/(customer_ref) Retrieve a given customer. **Sample request** .. sourcecode:: http GET /customer/929022257f1c440089cebcbd510e2d2f HTTP/1.1 Host: Authorization: Token ab9a4326a6d7403b9a6ece2519f848a5 Accept: application/json **Sample response**: .. sourcecode:: http HTTP/1.1 200 OK Content-Type: application/json Link: ; rel=self { "website": "", "account": "1988", "glAccount": null, "name": "Murphy's Bar and Grill", "discount": null, "notes": "See Bartender", "fax": null, "customerId": 3, "phone": "972-704-1800", "billingLocation": { "isBilling": true, "customer": { "uuid": "929022257f1c440089cebcbd510e2d2f" }, "name": "McKinney", "locality": "McKinney", "country": "United States", "region": "TX", "tax": { "name": "default tax", "group": "Taxes" }, "postcode": "75070", "lat": null, "lng": null, "type": null, "customFields": {}, "streetName": "1909 Clinton Dr", "uuid": "151a29821d594eabb060160360cd26cf" }, "taxable": false, "onHold": false, "customFields": {}, "email": "", "uuid": "929022257f1c440089cebcbd510e2d2f" } :>json string website: Customer website :>json string account: Customer account :>json string glAccount: Null or string :>json string name: Customer name :>json number discount: Discount :>json string notes: Customer notes :>json string fax: Fax number :>json int customerId: Customer id number :>json string phone: Customer phone number :>json obj billingLocation: JSON object :>json bool taxable: :>json bool onHold: :>json obj customFields: JSON obj representing custom fields :>json string email: Customer email :>json string uuid: Customer unique reference number Create Customer ............... .. http:post:: /customer/ Create a new minimal customer. **Sample request:** .. sourcecode:: http POST /customer/ HTTP/1.1 Host: Authorization: Token ab9a4326a6d7403b9a6ece2519f848a5 Content-Type: application/json Accept: application/json { "name": "ABC solicitors", "location": { "streetName": "1909 Clinton Dr", "locality": "McKinney" } } :` :` **Sample response**: .. sourcecode:: http HTTP/1.1 201 CREATED Content-Type: application/json Location: { "link": { "url": "", "rel": "detail" }, "location": { "link": { "url": "", "rel": "detail" }, "uuid": "4a1de64d6b184abfb5692d2443dfa4d2", }, "uuid": "3b0fd4f427ac47bfa02c956a8f3179c9", "email": "", "firstName": "Blaise", "lastName": "Champlin", "locale": "en_US", "phone": null, "platform": "ios", "role": "Admin", "timezone": "Europe/Dublin", "customFields": {}, } :>json obj link: JSON object with a link to the created customer :>json string uuid: UUID ref number of the created customer :>json obj location: JSON object representing customer's location Update Customer ............... .. http:put:: /customer/(customer_ref) Update a given customer. **Sample request**: Same as `Create Customer`_ excluded **location**. In addition, to change the billing location, the following request can be issued .. sourcecode:: http PUT /customer/e14a3c9949ea4cbd98d73fa8046c7577 HTTP/1.1 Host: Authorization: Token ab9a4326a6d7403b9a6ece2519f848a5 Content-Type: application/json Accept: application/json { "billingLocation": { "uuid": "e14a3c9949ea4cbd98d73fa8046c7577" } } :; rel=first, ; rel=last { "count": 1, "items": [ { "customer": { "link": { "url": "", "rel": "detail" }, "uuid": "929022257f1c440089cebcbd510e2d2f" }, "uuid": "cac42fd815114d79831f87e94c0c53df", "firstName": "Andy", "lastName": "Murphy", "phone": "972-704-1800", "link": { "url": "", "rel": "detail" }, "email": "" } ], "page": 0, "sortedBy": [], "pageSize": 20 } :query sortedBy: Available sorting criteria: ``firstName``, ``lastName``, ``email``, ``phone``, ``customer`` :query firstName: a filtering value for firstName :query lastName: a filtering value for lastName :query email: a filtering value for email :query phone: a filtering value for phone :query customer: a filtering value for customer uuid (if not specified in the url) Get Contact ........... .. http:get:: /customer/(customer_ref)/contact/(contact_ref) .. http:get:: /contact/(contact_ref) Retrieve a given contact. **Sample request** .. sourcecode:: http GET /customer/929022257f1c440089cebcbd510e2d2f/contact/cac42fd815114d79831f87e94c0c53df HTTP/1.1 Host: Authorization: Token ab9a4326a6d7403b9a6ece2519f848a5 Accept: application/json **Sample response**: .. sourcecode:: http HTTP/1.1 200 OK Content-Type: application/json Link: ; rel=customer, ; rel=self { "customer": { "uuid": "929022257f1c440089cebcbd510e2d2f" }, "phone": "972-704-1800", "uuid": "cac42fd815114d79831f87e94c0c53df", "firstName": "Andy", "lastName": "Murphy", "customFields": {}, "email": "" } Create Contact .............. .. http:post:: /customer/(customer_ref)/contact/ .. http:post:: /contact/ Create a new minimal contact for the given customer. **Sample request** .. sourcecode:: http POST /customer/8e78aa909ec941c2b5cccff7be967311/contact/ HTTP/1.1 Host: Authorization: Token 687fe20baeef448bb30db579139dad33 Accept: application/json Content-Type: application/json { "firstName": "John" } or **Sample request** .. sourcecode:: http POST /contact/ HTTP/1.1 Host: Authorization: Token 687fe20baeef448bb30db579139dad33 Accept: application/json Content-Type: application/json { "firstName": "John", "customer": { "uuid": "8e78aa909ec941c2b5cccff7be967311" } } **Sample request** .. sourcecode:: http POST /contact/ HTTP/1.1 Host: Authorization: Token ab9a4326a6d7403b9a6ece2519f848a5 Content-Type: application/json Accept: application/json { "firstName": "John", "lastName": "Smith", "email": "", "phone": "012-345-678-901", "customFields": { "9fa34e4b724f4ef7894b0d2cb5de1a06": "Doctor" }, "customer": { "uuid": "929022257f1c440089cebcbd510e2d2f" } } :` :json obj link: JSON obj :>json string uuid: UUID reference number of the created customer Update Contact .............. .. http:put:: /customer/(customer_ref)/contact/(contact_ref) .. http:put:: /contact/(contact_ref) Update a given contact of a given customer. **JSON request body** Same as `Create Contact`_, without ``customer`` and and with all other properties being optional. .. note:: It is not possible to change the customer of a contact. **Sample request**: .. sourcecode:: http PUT /customer/8e78aa909ec941c2b5cccff7be967311/contact/32c6a0b8b4624d6ba9265b1bf2033953 HTTP/1.1 Host: Authorization: Token 687fe20baeef448bb30db579139dad33 Accept: application/json { "firstName": "Andrew" } **Sample request**: .. sourcecode:: http PUT /contact/32c6a0b8b4624d6ba9265b1bf2033953 HTTP/1.1 Host: Authorization: Token 687fe20baeef448bb30db579139dad33 Accept: application/json { "firstName": "Andrew" } **Sample response**: .. sourcecode:: http HTTP/1.1 204 NO CONTENT Delete Contact .............. .. http:delete:: /customer/(customer_ref)/contact/(contact_ref) .. http:delete:: /contact/(contact_ref) Delete a given contact. **Sample request**: .. sourcecode:: http DELETE /contact/32c6a0b8b4624d6ba9265b1bf2033953 HTTP/1.1 Host: Authorization: Token 687fe20baeef448bb30db579139dad33 Accept: application/json **Sample request**: .. sourcecode:: http DELETE /customer/8e78aa909ec941c2b5cccff7be967311/contact/32c6a0b8b4624d6ba9265b1bf2033953 HTTP/1.1 Host: Authorization: Token 687fe20baeef448bb30db579139dad33 Accept: application/json **Sample response**: .. sourcecode:: http HTTP/1.1 204 NO CONTENT Locations --------- A customer can have zero or more locations. Locations are identified by UUID. List Locations .............. .. http:get:: /customer/(customer_ref)/location/ List all locations for the given customer. .. http:get:: /location/ List all locations. **Sample request** .. sourcecode:: http GET /location/?pageSize=2 HTTP/1.1 Host: Authorization: Token ab9a4326a6d7403b9a6ece2519f848a5 Accept: application/json **Sample response**: .. sourcecode:: http HTTP/1.1 200 OK Content-Type: application/json Link: ; rel=first, ; rel=last, ; rel=next { "count": 264, "items": [ { "link": { "url": "", "rel": "detail" }, "name": "Valley View", "customer": { "link": { "url": "", "rel": "detail" }, "uuid": "929022257f1c440089cebcbd510e2d2f" }, "uuid": "067e238dd9354ea09073babbcbefa053", "locality": "Valley View", }, { "link": { "url": "", "rel": "detail" }, "name": "US Headquarters", "customer": { "link": { "url": "", "rel": "detail" }, "uuid": "06d4fc8985e54574b9f96e6105d998c3" }, "uuid": "08c46e0d609b406b9e9f04f25fc261ee", "locality": "Addison", } ], "page": 0, "sortedBy": [], "pageSize": 2 } :query sortedBy: Available sorting criteria: ``name``, ``streetName``, ``locality``, ``region``, ``postcode``, ``country``, ``isBilling``, ``type`` :query name: a name value to filter for :query streetName: a street name value to filter for :query locality: a locality value to filter for :query region: a region value to filter for :query postcode: a postcode value to filter for :query country: a country value to filter for :query isBilling: a billing value to filter for :query type: a type value to filter for :query customer: a value for the customer uuid (if not in specified in the url) Get Location ............ .. http:get:: /customer/(customer_ref)/location/(location_ref) .. http:get:: /location/(location_ref) Retrieve a given location. **Sample request**: .. sourcecode:: http GET /location/08c46e0d609b406b9e9f04f25fc261ee HTTP/1.1 Host: Authorization: Token ab9a4326a6d7403b9a6ece2519f848a5 Accept: application/json Link: ; rel=customer, ; rel=self **Sample response**: .. sourcecode:: http HTTP/1.1 200 OK Content-Type: application/json { "isBilling": false, "customer": { "uuid": "06d4fc8985e54574b9f96e6105d998c3" }, "tax": { "group": "Taxes", "name": "default tax" }, "name": "US Headquarters", "locality": "Addison", "country": null, "region": "TX", "postcode": "75001", "lat": null, "lng": null, "type": null, "customFields": {}, "streetName": "15280 Addison Rd", "uuid": "08c46e0d609b406b9e9f04f25fc261ee" } Latitude and longitude (**lat**, **lng**) field will always be ``null`` unless the values has been explicitly set (via WebApp, device or API). Create Location ............... .. http:post:: /customer/(customer_ref)/location/ Create a new minimal location for the given customer. **Sample request**: .. sourcecode:: http POST /customer/beb65ace45ae487eb78b48729a502612/location/ HTTP/1.1 Host: Authorization: Token 687fe20baeef448bb30db579139dad33 Content-Type: application/json Accept: application/json { "name": "Positional location", "lat": 12.98, "lng": 10.34 } **Sample request**: .. sourcecode:: http POST /customer/beb65ace45ae487eb78b48729a502612/location/ HTTP/1.1 Host: Authorization: Token 687fe20baeef448bb30db579139dad33 Content-Type: application/json Accept: application/json { "streetName": "23 Cloud Avenue", "locality": "Donegal" } **Sample request**: .. sourcecode:: http POST /customer/beb65ace45ae487eb78b48729a502612/location/ HTTP/1.1 Host: Authorization: Token 687fe20baeef448bb30db579139dad33 Content-Type: application/json Accept: application/json { "name": "Narrow st House", "lat": 12.09, "lng": 34.90, "streetName": "10 Narrow Street", "locality": "Dublin", "region": "County Dublin", "postcode": "Dublin9", "country": "Ireland", "isBilling": false, "type": "branch", "tax": { "name": "TaxName1", "group": "TaxGroup1" }, "customFields": { "abc65ace99ae487eb78b48729a503333": true } } :json obj link: JSON object :>json string uuid: UUID ref number of the created location .. note:: At least a full set (alternative 1 or 2) of required fields must be provided. .. http:post:: /location/ Create a new minimal location. **Sample request**: .. sourcecode:: http POST /location/ HTTP/1.1 Host: Authorization: Token 687fe20baeef448bb30db579139dad33 Content-Type: application/json Accept: application/json { "streetName": "11 Rain Avenue", "locality": "Dublin", "customer" : { "uuid": "beb65ace45ae487eb78b48729a502612" } } **Sample request**: .. sourcecode:: http POST /location/ HTTP/1.1 Host: Authorization: Token 687fe20baeef448bb30db579139dad33 Content-Type: application/json Accept: application/json { "name": "Narrow st House", "streetName": "10 Narrow Street", "locality": "Dublin", "lat": 12.98, "lng": 10.34 "region": "County Dublin", "postcode": "Dublin9", "country": "Ireland", "isBilling": false, "type": "branch", "tax": { "name": "TaxName2", "group": "TaxGroup1" }, "customFields": { "uyt65ace45ae487eb78b48729a501111" : "Is available?" }, "customer" : { "uuid": "beb65ace45ae487eb78b48729a502612" } } **Sample response**: .. sourcecode:: http HTTP/1.1 204 CREATED Content-Type: application/json Location: { "link": { "url": "", "rel": "detail" }, "uuid": "abed1b946a5b470c8a8bf78b92abc6a6" } :>json obj link: JSON object :>json string uuid: UUID ref number of the created location Update Location ............... .. http:put:: /customer/(customer_ref)/location/(location_ref) .. http:put:: /location/(location_ref) Update a given location of a given customer. **JSON request body**: Same as `Create Location`_, without **customer** and and with all other properties being optional. .. note:: It is not possible to change the customer of a location. **Sample request**: .. sourcecode:: http PUT /location/01c2a06da8364f8face0c4993dff89b6 HTTP/1.1 Host: Authorization: Token 687fe20baeef448bb30db579139dad33 Accept: application/json { "name": "new Location" } :