Settings ======== .. List other supported business settings here in the introduction, taxes are just mentioned now The FieldAware API represents several business settings as resources, this API supports the listing of assets. List Taxes ........... .. http:get:: /settings/tax/ List all taxes. **Sample request**: .. sourcecode:: http GET /settings/tax/ HTTP/1.1 Host: Authorization: Token 9dcae3660ec84eac94bb506e09a9af40 Accept: application/json :query decimal rate: A filtering value for rate :query string agency: A filtering value for agency :query string group: A filtering value for group :query string name: A filtering value for name :query string glAccount: A filtering value for glAccount :query sortedBy: Available sorting criteria: ``rate``, ``agency``, ``group``, ``name``, ``glAccount`` **Sample response**: .. sourcecode:: http HTTP/1.1 200 OK Content-Type: application/json { "count": 3, "items": [ { "rate": 8.25, "agency": "", "group": "TX taxes", "name": "Atlanta", "glAccount": "" }, { "rate": 5.5, "agency": "Gwinnett County Sales Tax", "group": "Peachtree Taxes", "name": "GAGWIN", "glAccount": "" }, { "rate": 7.5, "agency": "Standard Sales Tax", "group": "Peachtree Taxes", "name": "Standard", "glAccount": "" } ], "page": 0, "pageSize": 20, "sortedBy": [] } :>json int count: Total number of taxes :>json array items: A list of JSON objects representing taxes :>json int page: Page number :>json int pageSize: Number of JSON objects (representing taxes) by page. :>json array sortedBy: A list of ordered by (strings), can be ``rate``, ``agency``, ``group``, ``name`` and ``glAccount``