Change Tracking

The change tracking facility allows clients to keep up-to-date with state changes in the FieldAware application. It reports creation of new entities, updates to existing entities, and deletion of entities. These changes may be caused through webapp usage, manipulation on the mobiles, or different API clients.

The change tracking API provides a feed of change events. Each event listing what happened to the entity (whether it was created, updated or deleted), the time the change occurred, and from which user account the change was made. It also includes information about the entity, such as its identifier, the type of entity it is, and the URL for that entity. In the future we may include the fields that were changed as well.

Currently the list of business objects that are tracked include jobs, web quotes, field quotes, items, tasks, customers, locations, contacts, assets, invoices, users, unavailable times, unavailable time types, working hours exceptions

Note: The Jobs endpoint returns both Job and Quote types. Note: Unavailable times will only be returned if the relevant feature is switched on

The changetracking response on job, field quote and web quote entities contains an actions attribute which returns the assignment status changes of the object. The actions attribute on the object also includes creations of object’s tasks and assignment changes to the object’s tasks. For jobs, field quotes and web quotes, the status value of the actions attribute can be ASSIGNED, REASSIGNED, UNASSIGNED or DISPATCHED. For tasks, the status can be CREATED, ASSIGNED, REASSIGNED or UNASSIGNED.

Note: A DISPATCHED action is triggered when an unassigned job is assigned, or when an assigned job moves from a scheduledState of tentative or confirmed to dispatched in the web application’s Planning Mode. A job which is assigned in Planning Mode but which is kept in the tentative or confirmed scheduled state will not trigger a DISPATCHED action.

There are two basic usage patterns for the change feed.

  1. The first is to access the latest changes. This returns a page of recent changes. If there are few recent changes this page may be small or even empty. The page also contains a pointer to a page of slightly older changes. This allows a client to move back in history to obtain change events that are of interest.

  2. A second access pattern is geared to clients that want to know about all changes since a point in time. For this, clients obtain a token denoting a logical point in time. They can then at a later point in time ask for all the changes that occurred since that point in time. If there are too many changes to fit on a page, a pointer is included to a follow-on page. In this way, a client can obtain all changes in chronological order.

NB There are a number of known limitations to the tracking system as it stands. In particular, not all deletes are accurately tracked. This means that in certain circumstances, entities may be deleted without generating an event on the feed. Another current limitation is that changes to an entity that pertain only the custom fields of the entity do not generate an event on the change feed. Finally, business objects are not currently tracked for changes.

Note to Enterprise Customers:

Change tracking returns changes to all entities from all branches belonging to the parent organization, except for Job and User. Changes to Job and User entities are returned if the API user associated with the auth token has view or full-access rights to the entity’s branch.

Latest Changes

GET /changes/latest/

Get a page of the most recent changes in the system. The page contains a link to the previous set of changes, and an array of change events. Change events have an identifier. The also carry information about the entity, including at least the identifier of the entity, and its class. More fields may be returned, so it is important to be able to handle entity objects with more attributes than just uuid. The status indicates whether the entity has been created, updated or deleted. There is also an indication of when the change was made and on whose behalf the change was made. Like the entity object, the changedBy object is open-ended and may carry additional information in addition to the identifier of the user that caused the change.

The page linked to, containing the older set of changes, includes a link back (i.e. forward) to the latest changes, accessed through the nextChanges attribute of the representation. It also contains another link further back to yet older changes, accessed through the previousChanges attribute.

Clients can indicate the maximum pageSize they are willing to accept. The server will return pages that are strictly smaller than the pageSize indicated.

Sample request:

GET /changes/latest/ HTTP/1.1
Authorization: Token 9dcae3660ec84eac94bb506e09a9af40
Accept: application/json

Sample response:

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json
Link: ""

  "items": [
      "status": "UPDATED",
      "changedBy": {
        "uuid": "3bf0cb0efb6e471b8826b59cf4748600"
      "entityClass": "Job",
      "changedOn": "2014-10-15T12:16:53+00:00",
      "url": "",
      "entity": {
        "uuid": "7cc5e2d8879a43829dcc07655f5ca606"
      "actions": [
         "entityClass": "JobTask",
         "status": "CREATED",
         "uuid": "53b68807ba3747dfa48e93d1c727957c",
         "url": ""
         "entityClass": "JobTask",
         "status": "ASSIGNED",
         "uuid": "53b68807ba3747dfa48e93d1c727957c",
         "url": ""
      "id": 63252907
      "status": "UPDATED",
      "changedBy": {
        "uuid": "3bf0cb0efb6e471b8826b59cf4748600"
      "entityClass": "Item",
      "changedOn": "2014-10-15T14:05:16+00:00",
      "url": "",
      "entity": {
        "uuid": "ed4bb67933224e6c87113cb5ba93802d"
      "actions": [],
      "id": 63252961
      "status": "CREATED",
      "changedBy": {
          "uuid": "7faed94349a34e3f8cd87d73bb1d31e5"
      "entityClass": "UnavailableTimeType",
      "changedOn": "2014-10-15T16:55:41+00:00",
      "url": "",
      "actions": [],
      "entity": {
          "uuid": "9fd6797830b146519209d176d6f6358d"
      "id": 63739452
      "status": "CREATED",
      "changedBy": {
          "uuid": "7faed94349a34e3f8cd87d73bb1d31e5"
      "entityClass": "UnavailableTime",
      "changedOn": "2014-10-15T17:02:27+00:00",
      "url": "",
      "actions": [],
      "entity": {
          "uuid": "b14d69497ec040d0bc54f19689c6344a"
      "id": 63739455
      "status": "CREATED",
      "changedBy": {
          "uuid": "7faed94349a34e3f8cd87d73bb1d31e5"
      "entityClass": "WorkingHoursException",
      "changedOn": "2014-10-15T17:18:27+00:00",
      "url": "",
      "actions": [],
      "entity": {
          "uuid": "53b68807ba3747dfa48e93d1c727957c"
      "id": 63739455
  "prev": ""
Response JSON Object:
  • items (array) – A list of JSON objects, changed items

  • prev (string) – URL of a page with less recent changes

Sample changed item:

An example of a JSON object representing a changed item.

  "status": "UPDATED",
  "changedBy": {
    "uuid": "3bf0cb0efb6e471b8826b59cf4748600"
  "entityClass": "Job",
  "changedOn": "2014-10-15T12:16:53+00:00",
  "url": "",
  "entity": {
    "uuid": "7cc5e2d8879a43829dcc07655f5ca606"
  "actions": [
         "entityClass": "JobTask",
         "status": "REASSIGNED",
         "uuid": "53b68807ba3747dfa48e93d1c727957c",
         "url": ""
  "id": 63252907
Response JSON Object:
  • status (string) – Change status, one of CREATED, UPDATED, DELETED

  • actions (array) – List of actions performed during the change

  • changedBy (obj) – JSON object, it identifies what user causing the event

  • entityClass (string) – Changed entity, one of Job, Item

  • changedOn (string) – ISO-formatted datetime capturing the time the event happened

  • url (string) – URL of the changed item

  • entity (obj) – JSON object, identity identifier

  • id (number) – ID of the changed item

Sample request:

GET /changes/latest/ HTTP/1.1
Authorization: Token 9dcae3660ec84eac94bb506e09a9af40
Accept: application/json

Sample response:

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json

  "items": [],
  "prev": ""
Response JSON Object:
  • items (array) – A list of JSON objects representing changed items

  • prev (string) – A url to previous changes

Sample request:

GET /changes/previous/2014-10-14/ HTTP/1.1
Authorization: Token 9dcae3660ec84eac94bb506e09a9af40
Accept: application/json

Sample response:

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json

  "items": [],
  "prev": "",
  "next": ""
Response JSON Object:
  • items (array) – A list of JSON objects representing changed items

  • prev (string) – A url to previous changes

  • next (string) – A url to next changes

Sample request:

GET /changes/previous/2014-10-13/ HTTP/1.1
Authorization: Token 9dcae3660ec84eac94bb506e09a9af40
Accept: application/json

Sample response:

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json

  "items": [],
  "prev": "",
  "next": ""
Response JSON Object:
  • items (array) – A list of JSON objects representing changed items

  • prev (string) – A url to previous changes

  • next (string) – A url to next changes

Get Token

GET /changes/token

Get a token representing the current point in time

Sample request:

GET /changes/token HTTP/1.1
Authorization: Token 9dcae3660ec84eac94bb506e09a9af40
Accept: application/json

Sample response:

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json

  "url": "",
  "sinceToken": 63182001
Response JSON Object:
  • url (string) – URL of change feed containing events that happened after the point in time represented by the token

  • sinceToken (number) – token

List Changes since Token

GET /changes/(token)/?entityClass=Task&pageSize=10&status=CREATED

List all changes since the point in time represented by token

Returns the same representation of the event feed as the one returned for the latest changes.

In addition to setting the page size, clients can filter the list of changes by entityClass, entityUuid and status. The allowable values for the entityClass are Job, WebQuote, FieldQuote, Item, Task, Customer, Location, Contact, Invoice, Asset, User, UnavailableTime, UnavailableTimeType. For status they are CREATED, UPDATED, DELETED.

Sample request:

GET /changes/dcae3660ec84eac94/?entityClass=Task&entityUuid=d6eb1861e893477eb153a70a34604357&pageSize=10&status=CREATED HTTP/1.1
Authorization: Token 9dcae3660ec84eac94bb506e09a9af40
Accept: application/json
Query Parameters:
  • entityClass – one of Job, WebQuote, FieldQuote, Item, Task, Customer, Location, Contact, Invoice, Asset, User, UnavailableTime, UnavailableTimeType

  • entityUuid – a valid uuid identifier for a particular instance

  • status – one of CREATED, DELETED, UPDATED

Sample request:

GET /changes/63252964/ HTTP/1.1
Authorization: Token 9dcae3660ec84eac94bb506e09a9af40
Accept: application/json

Sample response:

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json

  "items": [
      "status": "UPDATED",
      "changedBy": {
        "uuid": "3bf0cb0efb6e471b8826b59cf4748600"
      "entityClass": "Customer",
      "changedOn": "2014-10-15T14:37:57+00:00",
      "url": "",
      "entity": {
        "uuid": "beb65ace45ae487eb78b48729a502612"
      "actions": [],
      "id": 63252975
      "status": "CREATED",
      "changedBy": {
        "uuid": "3bf0cb0efb6e471b8826b59cf4748600"
      "entityClass": "Contact",
      "changedOn": "2014-10-15T14:44:00+00:00",
      "url": "",
      "entity": {
        "uuid": "fec2603a5ee342d1ab32806f1856045b"
      "actions": [],
      "id": 63252976
      "status": "CREATED",
      "changedBy": {
        "uuid": "3bf0cb0efb6e471b8826b59cf4748600"
      "entityClass": "Contact",
      "changedOn": "2014-10-15T14:44:16+00:00",
      "url": "",
      "entity": {
        "uuid": "782e2ca7445e4046a0efc89240e94195"
      "actions": [],
      "id": 63252977
      "status": "CREATED",
      "changedBy": {
        "uuid": "3bf0cb0efb6e471b8826b59cf4748600"
      "entityClass": "Location",
      "changedOn": "2014-10-15T14:44:59+00:00",
      "url": "",
      "entity": {
        "uuid": "a4c566af7dcd485eb36bf1d5fd889e8b"
      "actions": [],
      "id": 63252978
      "status": "CREATED",
      "changedBy": {
        "uuid": "3bf0cb0efb6e471b8826b59cf4748600"
      "entityClass": "Location",
      "changedOn": "2014-10-15T14:45:40+00:00",
      "url": "",
      "entity": {
        "uuid": "f33dcb9228d74f85a58321885382f33f"
      "actions": [],
      "id": 63252979
  "next": ""
Response JSON Object:
  • items (array) – A list of JSON objects representing changes

  • next (string) – URL to next changes

Sample request:

GET /changes/63252964/?entityClass=Location HTTP/1.1
Authorization: Token 9dcae3660ec84eac94bb506e09a9af40
Accept: application/json

Sample response:

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json

  "items": [
      "status": "CREATED",
      "changedBy": {
        "uuid": "3bf0cb0efb6e471b8826b59cf4748600"
      "entityClass": "Location",
      "changedOn": "2014-10-15T14:44:59+00:00",
      "url": "",
      "entity": {
        "uuid": "a4c566af7dcd485eb36bf1d5fd889e8b"
      "actions": [],
      "id": 63252978
      "status": "CREATED",
      "changedBy": {
        "uuid": "3bf0cb0efb6e471b8826b59cf4748600"
      "entityClass": "Location",
      "changedOn": "2014-10-15T14:45:40+00:00",
      "url": "",
      "entity": {
        "uuid": "f33dcb9228d74f85a58321885382f33f"
      "actions": [],
      "id": 63252979
  "next": ""
Response JSON Object:
  • items (array) – A list of JSON objects representing changes

  • next (string) – URL to next changes

Sample request:

GET /changes/63252964/?status=UPDATED HTTP/1.1
Authorization: Token 9dcae3660ec84eac94bb506e09a9af40
Accept: application/json

Sample response:

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json

  "items": [
      "status": "UPDATED",
      "changedBy": {
        "uuid": "3bf0cb0efb6e471b8826b59cf4748600"
      "entityClass": "Customer",
      "changedOn": "2014-10-15T14:37:57+00:00",
      "url": "",
      "entity": {
        "uuid": "beb65ace45ae487eb78b48729a502612"
      "actions": [],
      "id": 63252975
      "status": "UPDATED",
      "changedBy": {
        "uuid": "3bf0cb0efb6e471b8826b59cf4748600"
      "entityClass": "Location",
      "changedOn": "2014-10-15T14:46:06+00:00",
      "url": "",
      "entity": {
        "uuid": "f33dcb9228d74f85a58321885382f33f"
      "actions": [],
      "id": 63252980
  "next": ""
Response JSON Object:
  • items (array) – A list of JSON objects representing changes

  • next (string) – URL to next changes

Sample request:

GET /changes/63252964/?entityClass=Contact&status=CREATED HTTP/1.1
Authorization: Token d943a51d68c44ca38cab9abda20a4d18
Accept: application/json

  "items": [
      "status": "CREATED",
      "changedBy": {
        "uuid": "3bf0cb0efb6e471b8826b59cf4748600"
      "entityClass": "Contact",
      "changedOn": "2014-10-15T14:44:00+00:00",
      "url": "",
      "entity": {
        "uuid": "fec2603a5ee342d1ab32806f1856045b"
      "actions": [],
      "id": 63252976
      "status": "CREATED",
      "changedBy": {
        "uuid": "3bf0cb0efb6e471b8826b59cf4748600"
      "entityClass": "Contact",
      "changedOn": "2014-10-15T14:44:16+00:00",
      "url": "",
      "entity": {
        "uuid": "782e2ca7445e4046a0efc89240e94195"
      "actions": [],
      "id": 63252977
  "next": ""
Response JSON Object:
  • items (array) – A list of JSON objects representing changed items

  • next (string) – URL to next changes

Sample request:

GET /changes/dcae3660ec84eac94/?entityClass=Task&pageSize=10&status=CREATED HTTP/1.1
Authorization: Token 9dcae3660ec84eac94bb506e09a9af40
Accept: application/json

Sample response:

In this case no changes have been made

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json

  "items": [],
  "next": 63182001
Response JSON Object:
  • items (array) – A list of JSON objects representing changes or an empty list

  • next (number) – A time token

Sample request:

GET /changes/63182001/ HTTP/1.1
Authorization: Token 9dcae3660ec84eac94bb506e09a9af40
Accept: application/json

Sample response:

In this case no changes have been made

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json

  "items": [],
  "next": 63182001
Response JSON Object:
  • items (array) – A list of JSON objects representing changes or an empty list

  • next (number) – A time token


For Enterprise-enabled companies, change tracking returns changes to all entities from all groups (branches) belonging to the parent organization, except for Job and User. Changes to Job and User entities are returned if the API user associated with the auth token has View-Only or Full Access rights to the entity’s branch.