File can be attached to few entities like assets and tasks assigned to a job.
The following procedure describes how to attach files to an asset. A caption (description) can be defined as well.
In order to add an attachment, a POST
using the Content-Type multipart/form-data
(according to RFC 2388) must be issued.
For instance to add a file catalog.html
curl -v \ -H "Authorization: Token ab9a4326a6d7403b9a6ece2519f848a5" \ \ -F name=@catalog.html > POST /asset/fe1ffcc1f3554f9fa6f1efe743a0aacb/attachment/ HTTP/1.1 > User-Agent: curl/7.30.0 > Host: > Accept: application/json > Authorization: Token 687fe20baeef448bb30db579139dad33 > Content-Type: multipart/form-data; boundary=----------------------------8e28fb81d96d
Returning the following
"mimetype": "text/html",
"caption": null,
"createdDate": "2014-10-08T18:05:04.836000+00:00",
"uuid": "16af620bd7b66c76c284cf283b31833e",
"name": "catalog.html"
The mimetype
is guessed by the file extension. Other possibilities are application/pdf
, text/plain
and application/octet-stream
for not recognized file extension.
Many files can be uploaded at once. For instance
curl \ -H "Authorization: Token ab9a4326a6d7403b9a6ece2519f848a5" \ \ -F name=@foo.txt \ -F name=@foo
Once the file has been attached, it’s possible to specify a caption on a per attachment basis. This is done updating
the attachment url using the suitable caption
field. For instance
curl -X PUT \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-H "Authorization: Token 687fe20baeef448bb30db579139dad33" \ \
--data-binary '{"caption": "the catalog"}'
All attachments metadata can be retrieved at once
curl \
-H "Accept-Type: application/json" \
-H "Authorization: Token 687fe20baeef448bb30db579139dad33" \
"mimetype": "text/html",
"caption": "the catalog",
"createdDate": "2014-10-08T18:05:04.836000+00:00",
"uuid": "16af620bd7b66c76c284cf283b31833e",
"name": "catalog.html"
"mimetype": "application/octet-stream",
"caption": null,
"createdDate": "2014-10-08T18:29:51.951750+00:00",
"uuid": "55cf17c7e8cb4911ad0310cb420d8dbd",
"name": "foo"
"mimetype": "text/plain",
"caption": null,
"createdDate": "2014-10-08T14:29:16.184107+00:00",
"uuid": "ba8a58a37007372d5177bff39f24d4c7",
"name": "foo.txt"
Attachment can be retrieved (GET) or deleted (DELETE) referring the specific url
curl \
-H "Accept-Type: application/json" \
-H "Authorization: Token 687fe20baeef448bb30db579139dad33" \
curl -X DELETE \
-H "Authorization: Token 687fe20baeef448bb30db579139dad33" \
See as well Asset reference here
The following procedure describes how to attach files to a task associated to a job. A caption (description) can be defined as well for each attachment.
Let’s assume we have a job with a list of tasks. For instance
curl \ -H "Accept-Type: application/json" \ -H "Authorization: Token ab9a4326a6d7403b9a6ece2519f848a5" \{ "customer": { "uuid": "ad75feede7334c0bb024835921226221", "name": "Omni Hotels", "customerId": 21 }, "startedOn": null, "tasks": [ { "note": "", "attachments": [], "done": false, "uuid": "5012fb628f1c43bab18a72ba5653343c", "items": [], "unitPrice": 0, "unitCost": 0, "name": "Restaurant Cleaning" } ], "uuid": "91085af6e6e14ff1b01c348aea2ff90d", "revenue": 0, "signature": null, "crew": [ { "state": "scheduled", "uuid": "f260bfef377a4688bac336ec0ceb1429" } ], "jobId": "J21.2", "pre_signature": null, "state": [ "scheduled" ], "contact": null, "labor": [], "location": { "uuid": "c486302ad75640eab554c56c6cfb14c3", "locality": "Dallas", "country": null, "region": "Texas", "postcode": "75202", "streetName": "555 S. Lamar", "name": "Dallas - Downtown" }, "invoice": null, "completedOn": null, "jobLead": { "emailAddress": "", "telno": "", "surname": "Murphy", "uuid": "f260bfef377a4688bac336ec0ceb1429", "name": "Andy" }, "scheduledOn": "2014-06-01T15:30:00+00:00", "asset": null, "estDuration": 15, "customFields": { "2d317c1902f645d6ae5b7fd7fb704667": "Routine" }, "description": "Routing:\n1 a month or 2 a month, scheduled work, no way to currently catch completed work" }
In order to add a file to a task, a POST
using the Content-Type multipart/form-data
(according to RFC 2388) must be issued.
For instance to add a file picture.jpg
curl -v \ -H "Authorization: Token ab9a4326a6d7403b9a6ece2519f848a5" \ \ -F name=@picture.jpg > POST /job/91085af6e6e14ff1b01c348aea2ff90d/task/5012fb628f1c43bab18a72ba5653343c/attachment/ HTTP/1.1 > User-Agent: curl/7.30.0 > Host: > Accept: application/json > Authorization: Token 687fe20baeef448bb30db579139dad33 > Content-Type: multipart/form-data; boundary=----------------------------b81d96d8e28f
Returning the following
"mimetype": "image/jpeg",
"caption": null,
"createdDate": "2014-10-08T13:49:04.271791+00:00",
"uuid": "05e190f276714af6b065997fb7679b51",
"name": "picture.jpg"
Many files can be uploaded at once:
curl \ -H "Authorization: Token ab9a4326a6d7403b9a6ece2519f848a5" \ \ -F name=@foo.txt \ -F name=@foo
Once the file has been attached, it’s possible to specify a caption on a per attachment basis. This is done updating
the attachment url using the suitable caption
field. For instance
curl -X PUT \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-H "Authorization: Token 687fe20baeef448bb30db579139dad33" \ \
--data-binary '{"caption": "description text"}'
All attachments metadata can be retrieved at once
curl \
-H "Accept-Type: application/json" \
-H "Authorization: Token 687fe20baeef448bb30db579139dad33" \
"mimetype": "application/octet-stream",
"caption": null,
"createdDate": "2014-10-08T14:29:15.951750+00:00",
"uuid": "4911ad0310cb420d8dbd55cf17c7e8cb",
"name": "foo"
"mimetype": "text/plain",
"caption": null,
"createdDate": "2014-10-08T14:29:16.184107+00:00",
"uuid": "177bff39f24d4c7ba8a58a37007372d5",
"name": "foo.txt"
"mimetype": "image/jpeg",
"caption": "description text",
"createdDate": "2014-10-08T13:49:04.271791+00:00",
"uuid": "05e190f276714af6b065997fb7679b51",
"name": "picture.jpg"
Individual attachment can be retrieved (GET) or deleted (DELETE) referring the specific url
curl \
-H "Accept-Type: application/json" \
-H "Authorization: Token 687fe20baeef448bb30db579139dad33" \
curl -X DELETE \
-H "Authorization: Token 687fe20baeef448bb30db579139dad33" \
See as well Job documemtation here