This API allows listing, retrieving, creating, updating and deleting assets. Assets are identified by their UUID.
List Assets¶
- GET /asset/¶
List all assets.
Sample request:
GET /asset/ HTTP/1.1 Host: Authorization: Token 9dcae3660ec84eac94bb506e09a9af40 Accept: application/json
- Query Parameters:
name – A filtering value for name
serialNumber – A filtering value for serialNumber
manufacturer – A filtering value for manufacturer
make – A filtering value for make
model – A filtering value for model
sortedBy – Available sorting criteria:
Sample response:
HTTP/1.1 200 OK Content-Type: application/json { "count": 18, "items": [ { "href": { "rel": "detail", "url": "" }, "name": "1068", "uuid": "acac7c59d87b41e8ad92223cd870e2d3" }, { "href": { "rel": "detail", "url": "" }, "name": "1070", "uuid": "6f0c84429423417ab7bbc16a253471c0" }, ], "pageSize": 20, "pageStartIndex": 0, "sortedBy": [] }
- Response JSON Object:
count (int) – Number of assets.
items (array) – An array of JSON objects (items).
pageSize (int) – How many items is in the page.
pageStartIndex (int) – Page number.
sortedBy (array) – A list of sorting criteria.
Get Asset¶
- GET /asset/(asset_ref)¶
Retrieve a given asset.
Sample request:
GET /asset/acac7c59d87b41e8ad92223cd870e2d3 HTTP/1.1 Host: Authorization: Token 9dcae3660ec84eac94bb506e09a9af40 Accept: application/json
Sample response:
HTTP/1.1 200 OK Content-Type: application/json { "area": "Bonnyville", "contact": null, "customFields": { "3a6eff2c2f1a4009adeb504aa1389fe7": "Bonnyville" }, "description": null, "location": { "country": "", "href": { "rel": "detail", "url": "" }, "isBilling": false, "lat": null, "lng": null, "locality": "Houston", "name": "North Houston", "postcode": "77079", "region": "TX" "streetName": "11211 KATY FREEWAY, STE 450", "type": null, "uuid": "48c663316b154db598db225bcf404016" }, "maintenanceNotes": null, "make": "A1 Oil & Gas Company", "manufacturer": null, "manufacturerNotes": null, "model": "122H", "name": "1068", "serialNumber": "847603409458763", "uuid': "acac7c59d87b41e8ad92223cd870e2d3" }
- Response JSON Object:
area (string) – Area of the asset
contact (obj) – JSON Obj, details of a contact assigned to the asset or null
customFields (obj) – JSON Obj, custom fields of the asset
description (string) – Asset description or null
location (obj) – Asset location JSON Obj
maintenanceNotes (string) – Maintenance notes or null
make (string) – Asset maker
manufacturerNotes (string) – Notes about the asset
model (string) – Asset model
name (string) – Name of the asset
serialNumber (string) – Serial number of the asset
uuid (string) – UUID number of the asset
Create Asset¶
- POST /asset/¶
Create a new asset.
Sample request:
POST /asset/ HTTP/1.1 Host: Authorization: Token 9dcae3660ec84eac94bb506e09a9af40 Accept: application/json { "name": "Asset001", "location": { "uuid": "01f5c5260b664249b8821ed5d0ddfeeb" }, "description": "Description of the asset", "serialNumber": "WS23", "make": "Maker001", "model": "Model-YT23", "manufacturer": "Bosh", "manufacturerNotes": "Havy duty drill", "maintenanceNotes": "Maintenance notes of the asset", "area": "2nd shelf, storage id U345", "arrivedOn": "2014-01-01", "contact": { "uuid": "01f5c5260b664249b8821ed5d0ddfxxv" }, "customFields": { "09v5c5260b664249b8821ed5d0ddfcxv": "Checked?"} }
Sample response:
HTTP/1.1 201 CREATED Content-Type: application/json Location: "" { "link": { "url": "", "rel": "detail" }, "maintenanceNotes": "Havy duty drill", "description": "Description of the asset", "area": "2nd shelf, storage id U345", "make": "Maker001", "serialNumber": "WS23", "contact": null, "attachments": [], "manufacturerNotes": "", "location": { "uuid": "01f5c5260b664249b8821ed5d0ddfxxv" }, "model": "Model-YT23", "manufacturer": "Bosh", "customFields": { "09v5c5260b664249b8821ed5d0ddfcxv": "Checked?" }, "name": "Asset001" }
- Request JSON Object:
name (string) – Name of the asset (required).
location (obj) – Location of the asset (required).
description (string) – Description of the asset.
serialNumber (string) – Serial number of the asset.
make (string) – Make of the asset.
model (string) – Model of the asset.
manufacturer (string) – Manufacturer of the asset.
manufacturerNotes (string) – Manufacturer notes about the asset.
maintenanceNotes (string) – Maintenance notes of the asset.
area (string) – Specific area within the location where the asset is located.
arrvedOn (datetime) – When the asset arrived at this location.
contact (obj) – Contact person for this asset movement.
customFields (obj) – Mapping of declaration keys to values.
- POST /asset/¶
Create a new minimal asset.
Sample request:
POST /asset/ HTTP/1.1 Host: Authorization: Token 687fe20baeef448bb30db579139dad33 Accept: application/json { "name": "Hammer", "location": { "uuid": "01f5c5260b664249b8821ed5d0ddfeeb" } }
- Request JSON Object:
name (string) – Name of the asset (required).
location (obj) – Location of the asset (required).
Sample response:
HTTP/1.1 201 CREATED Content-Type: application/json Location: "" { "link": { "url": "", "rel": "detail" }, "uuid": "6ae23a90f3b149b69c45eec1a125ea67" }
- Response JSON Object:
link (obj) – JSON object
uuid (string) – UUID number of the created asset
Update Asset¶
- PUT /asset/(asset_ref)¶
Update a given asset.
Same as Create Asset, with all properties being optional.
Update of asset’s location also updates locations of all unfinished and not yet started jobs associated with the given asset. Moreover, job’s location and contact have to agree on a customer they refer to. So in order to prevent an inconsistency, contacts of all jobs associated with the said asset are set to
by such a request.Sample request:
PUT /asset/cac8a7efc2224e859457d6704f4fd0ba HTTP/1.1 Host: Authorization: Token 687fe20baeef448bb30db579139dad33 Accept: application/json { "name": "Asset001", "location": { "uuid": "01f5c5260b664249b8821ed5d0ddfeeb" }, "serialNumber": "S/N 1000-23", "manufacturer": "Makita" }
Sample response:
Delete Asset¶
- DELETE /asset/(asset_ref)¶
Delete a given asset.
Sample request:
DELETE /asset/e764e03bef8d4a29be0a8dceb4d1e6fe HTTP/1.1 Host: Authorization: Token 9dcae3660ec84eac94bb506e09a9af40 Accept: application/json
Sample response:
HTTP/1.1 204 No Content
Add Asset Attachments¶
- POST /asset/(asset_ref)/attachment/¶
Add an a attachment to a given asset.
Sample request:
POST /asset/e764e03bef8d4a29be0a8dceb4d1e6fe/attachment/ HTTP/1.1 Host: Authorization: Token 9dcae3660ec84eac94bb506e09a9af40 Accept: application/json
Sample response:
HTTP/1.1 204 [ { "mimetype": "image/png", "createdDate": "2013-08-11T14:00:00+00:00", "uuid": "a3aa9575739c43989bfec0fca014d3d0", "name": "filename.png" } ]
List of Asset Attachments¶
- GET /asset/(asset_ref)/attachment/¶
Sample request:
GET /asset/e764e03bef8d4a29be0a8dceb4d1e6fe/attachment/ HTTP/1.1 Host: Authorization: Token 9dcae3660ec84eac94bb506e09a9af40 Accept: application/json
Sample response:
[ { "mimetype": "image/png", "createdDate": "2013-08-11T14:00:00+00:00", "uuid": "a3aa9575739c43989bfec0fca014d3d0", "caption": "file description", "name": "file.png" } ]
Download Asset Attachment¶
- GET /asset/(asset_ref)/attachment/(attachment_ref)¶
Download a given file attached to a given asset.
The asset is specified by its UUID. The attachment is also specified by its UUID, as returned by Add Asset Attachments.
- Status Codes:
404 Not Found – resource not found
Update Asset Attachment caption¶
- PUT /asset/(asset_ref)/attachment/(attachment_ref)¶
You can update the attachment caption
Sample request:
PUT /asset/e764e03bef8d4a29be0a8dceb4d1e6fe/attachment/a3aa9575739c43989bfec0fca014d3d0 HTTP/1.1 Host: Authorization: Token 9dcae3660ec84eac94bb506e09a9af40 Accept: application/json { "caption": "caption text" }
Sample response:
HTTP/1.1 204 No Content
Delete Asset Attachment¶
- DELETE /asset/(asset_ref)/attachment/(attachment_ref)¶
Removes an attachment from an asset
Sample request:
DELETE /asset/e764e03bef8d4a29be0a8dceb4d1e6fe/attachment/a3aa9575739c43989bfec0fca014d3d0 HTTP/1.1 Host: Authorization: Token 9dcae3660ec84eac94bb506e09a9af40 Accept: application/json
Sample response:
HTTP/1.1 204 No Content