The FieldAware API represents several business settings as resources, this API supports the listing of taxes.
List Taxes¶
- GET /settings/tax/¶
List all taxes.
Sample request:
GET /settings/tax/ HTTP/1.1 Host: Authorization: Token 9dcae3660ec84eac94bb506e09a9af40 Accept: application/json
- Query Parameters:
rate (decimal) – A filtering value for rate
agency (string) – A filtering value for agency
group (string) – A filtering value for group
name (string) – A filtering value for name
glAccount (string) – A filtering value for glAccount
sortedBy – Available sorting criteria:
Sample response:
HTTP/1.1 200 OK Content-Type: application/json { "count": 3, "items": [ { "rate": 8.25, "agency": "", "group": "TX taxes", "name": "Atlanta", "glAccount": "" }, { "rate": 5.5, "agency": "Gwinnett County Sales Tax", "group": "Peachtree Taxes", "name": "GAGWIN", "glAccount": "" }, { "rate": 7.5, "agency": "Standard Sales Tax", "group": "Peachtree Taxes", "name": "Standard", "glAccount": "" } ], "page": 0, "pageSize": 20, "sortedBy": [] }
- Response JSON Object:
count (int) – Total number of taxes
items (array) – A list of JSON objects representing taxes
page (int) – Page number
pageSize (int) – Number of JSON objects (representing taxes) by page.
sortedBy (array) – A list of ordered by (strings), can be