The following endpoints are only accessible if the organisation using the API is Enterprise-enabled. Expect a 403 error (Forbidden) otherwise.
This API allows listing, retrieving, creating, updating and deleting groups. Groups are identified by their UUID.
Note: The entity referred to as Group
in this documentation is known as
in the web application and its supporting documentation.
List Groups¶
- GET /group/¶
List all groups in the organisation.
Sample request:
GET /group/?pageSize=3 HTTP/1.1 Host: Authorization: Token 9dcae3660ec84eac94bb506e09a9af40 Content-Type: application/json Accept: application/json
- Query Parameters:
sortedBy – can be ordered by
name – a filtering value for name
archived – a filtering value for archived groups
Sample response:
HTTP/1.1 200 OK Content-Type: application/json { "count": 11, "items": [ { "uuid": "4a1de64d6b184abfb5692d2443dfa4d2", "name": "Headquarters", "link": { "url": "", "rel": "detail" }, "archived": false }, { "uuid": "d278b2a84b9a479e912c007bf205f647", "name": "Florida Branch", "link": { "url": "", "rel": "detail" }, "archived": false }, { "uuid": "87eb22efd9334268b97ad7d8e0d9b736", "name": "SouthWest Office", "link": { "url": "", "rel": "detail" }, "archived": true } ], "page": 0, "pageSize": 3, "sortedBy": [] }
Get Group¶
The group representation includes a list of all users with access to the group.
The level of access granted to the users to specific group data (jobs and users in particular) varies:
Base: the user is based (belongs) to the group. As a result, the user has full access to the group’s specific data.
Full access: the user, who is not based in this group, has complete access to the group’s data.
View only: the user, who is not based in this group, has read only access to the group specific data.
- GET /group/(group_ref)¶
Retrieve a given group.
Sample request:
GET /group/4a1de64d6b184abfb5692d2443dfa4d2 HTTP/1.1 Host: Authorization: Token 9dcae3660ec84eac94bb506e09a9af40 Content-Type: application/json Accept: application/json
Sample response:
HTTP/1.1 200 OK Content-Type: application/json { "uuid": "4a1de64d6b184abfb5692d2443dfa4d2", "name": "Florida Branch", "colour": "#00B0FF", "location": { "streetName": "1600 Euclid Avenue", "locality": "South Beach", "region": "FL", "country": "USA", "postcode": "55110" }, "phone": "1-800-1234", "archived": false, "users: [ { "access": "base", "uuid": "9f3e7b2251034d0da4c03a7f3a3429d7" }, { "access": "view_only", "uuid": "489b23cd49cb4e158e8379575b271e92" }, { "access": "full_access", "uuid": "30dbe80c1fb044248010aa9d13c22f29" } ] }
Create Group¶
- POST /group/¶
Create a new group.
Sample minimal request: see below for json field values
POST /group/ HTTP/1.1 Host: Authorization: Token 9dcae3660ec84eac94bb506e09a9af40 Content-Type: application/json Accept: application/json { "name": "Test branch", "location": { "streetName": "123 Fake Street", "locality": "Ghost Town" } }
Sample full request:
POST /user/ HTTP/1.1 Host: Authorization: Token 9dcae3660ec84eac94bb506e09a9af40 Content-Type: application/json Accept: application/json { "name": "North Carolina Branch", "colour": "#00B0FF", "phone": "1-800-1234", "location": { "streetName": "900 Metropolitan Avenue", "locality": "Charlotte", "region": "NC", "country": "USA", "postcode": "55110" } }
- Request JSON Object:
name (string) – Name given to the group (required)
location – Address where the group is located (required).
colour (string) – Hex color code to be used throughout the system to identify elements belonging to the group. The set of valid values is the following:
Sample response:
HTTP/1.1 201 CREATED Content-Type: application/json Location: { "uuid": "6e72acbf8c9048d88626cf87e4009ea5", "name": "Florida Branch", "colour": "#00B0FF", "phone": "1-800-1234", "location": { "country": "USA", "region": "FL", "postcode": "55110", "streetName": "1600 Euclid Avenue", "locality": "South Beach" } "users": [], "link": { "url": "", "rel": "detail" }, "archived": false }
Update Group¶
- PUT /group/(group_ref)¶
Update a given group.
JSON request body: Same as Create Group, but with all properties being optional.
Archive/Unarchived Group¶
- PUT /group/(group_ref)/archive¶
Mark a group as archived.
- PUT /group/(group_ref)/unarchive¶
Mark a group as not archived.
Neither of these methods require a body in the request.
Delete Group¶
- DELETE /group/(group_ref)¶
Delete a given group.