Updating Resources

User can update a resource by sending a PUT request (with JSON payload) to a defined endpoint. The request body can consist only of fields that the user wants to update or the body can be a ‘full’ json body (used when creating the resource) with updated fields. Restrictions apply to certain JSON body fields that depend on a type of resource being updated (for example a custom field ‘type’ can not be updated). Examples of the restrictions are described in the reference and tutorial parts of documentation.

Update Customer

PUT /customer/

Update a customer. In the example below customer’s email, phone and website are updated.

Sample request:

PUT /customer/4d18011294364a85a1c5541b9b4a0eee HTTP/1.1
Host: api.fieldaware.net
Authorization: Token d943a51d68c44ca38cab9abda20a4d18
Content-Type: application/json

  "email": "bdata@amex.com",
  "phone": "003537876645",
  "website": "www.bdata-amex.net"

Sample response:

Status Codes: